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Nov. 16, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – Nov. 16, 2015 -- 5 PM

5 PM  The meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina Nazarian.
Reviewed Special Town Meeting Draft Warrant with the Fieldstone Farm proposal—set for Dec. 15. Must be posted two weeks prior in three locations. Nina suggests adding two more locations: COA at Princeton Center and Library, in addition to Town Hall, Mechanics Hall and the post office. There was some discussion around BOS taking a vote at the STM and wording on the motion. Stan expressed concern about the STM approval allowing borrowing that could precede the funding coming forth from all other sources in the Fieldstone Farm project, if it even goes through. Nina pointed out that the STM does not precipitate actual borrowing, only authorizes it at a future date, if the Board deems it appropriate to exercise.
5:10 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize T.A. to sign contract with Waterman Design Assoc. for 4,000’ of survey work on Calamint Hill North, for an estimated $10,500. They voted all in favor to accept a disclosure form from the T.A. to cover dinner at Harrington Farm on Nov. 12 for the BOS goals meeting.
The board voted to approve minutes from Nov. 2nd,  5th and & 12th and signed Warrants FY’16 – 10
5;30 PM – Board reviewed a memo from town counsel regarding the food trailer at Mechanics Hall. The Berubes were in along with abutter Lise Ledoux at 102 Main Street. Town Counsel Judy Pickett wrote in her memo about a lot split by zoning; the Mechanics Hall lot is under management of the BOS, which can lease property under Ch. 30B although this food trailer use is likely below the threshold for state regulations. She said a use variance was possible if the lot was not within the Business Zone. Recent measurement by the DPW put the lot within the Business Zone according to the text description of the bylaw, but the Zoning Map boundary does not incorporate the lot within the zone—the map may be incorrect. Pickett said no permits should have been issued without permission of the landowner (BOS) at the initial request of the Berubes. Ms. Ledoux stated that she has lost privacy with the food truck operation next to her front yard. She has communicated with the Berubes, who recently turned the truck around 90 degrees so its back faces her property. She was also concerned about the operation growing with a PortaJohn and more picnic tables, but the Mr. Berube adamantly denied such changes being planned. If in Business Zone, use is allowed by right, but a site plan review may be needed, by the Planning Board. Selectmen need more information so issue is on hold. In the meantime Berubes were told to inform selectmen or T.A. about any changes to their operation.
        Nina reported that Ben Sund submitted resignation from Highway Dept. and shared other correspondence.
6:10 PM  Conservation Commission came in, with John Vieira, chair, & commissioners Brian Keevan,, Ron Thompson and advisor Brett Trowbridge. They reported extra activity lately issuing certificates of compliance, many on projects from years ago, probably owing to uptick in real estate sales. Commissioners cite need to catch up with these and other outstanding administrative tasks. They would like the support of a conservation agent, and there was some discussion about a regional position, similar to the animal control officer. Group discussed Title V issues and a local wetlands bylaw, which Princeton currently does not have. It was noted that a town-wide culvert study was in the works.
6:35 PM  Board voted all in favor to open the Tax Classification Hearing and voted to continue it to 11/30 at 6:30 PM in the Town Hall Annex.
6:36 PM  Stan moved and Jon seconded to go into executive session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Six - To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the public body. . Edith M. called for a vote and in roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Jon Voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  Edith then announced that the Board would enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing negotiations with respect to Fieldstone Farm, and not return to regular session.
Respectfully submitted, Town Administrative assistant  Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents:    Special Town Meeting Draft Warrant; T.A. disclosure statement; contract with Waterman Design Assoc; memo from town counsel; resignation from Ben Sund.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department